The Perfect Pucker

The perfect lips…

Have you dreamed about them?

 The perfect ratio of top lip to bottom lip.

The perfect cupid’s bow.

The perfect smooth texture.


Let’s talk about this for a minute…

While most beauty experts say there should be a 1:2 top lip to bottom lip ratio, many also think a 1:1 ratio is appropriate as well.  What does this mean?  It means that either your bottom lip should be twice the size of your top lip, or they should be equal size.  The experts also agree that an exaggerated philtrum, or cupid’s bow, is an important part of beautiful lips.


Collagen is an important element of skin’s volume and texture. As we age, we know this collagen tends to become depleted.  And the collagen in our lips Is no different. Some of us have an increase in lines and wrinkles in the lip, while others suffer from a lack of volume and lines and wrinkles (lucky us!)


There are different products available to combat both of these issues.  It is possible to get rid of those lines and wrinkles without adding volume to that area.  It is possible to give a small amount of volume, or a greater amount of volume to make lips as full and sexy as you would like.  The key, in most cases, is to start slowly, adding volume over time to get the ultimate look you are after.  Naturally you… only better!


Skin Bar uses hyaluronic acid dermal fillers, which are most like your body’s natural makeup.  Due to this, the volume we create is not permanent.  Dermal fillers in lips usually last six months to one year.

If you’ve dreamed about that perfect pucker… schedule your appointment for your free consultation.

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